Thursday, 26 May 2011


What can i say about this module apart from it was rushed. The work i did in the week i was quite happy with although if i had given myself enough time it could and SHOULD have been so much better. I once again (like most flash animations i do) ran into a few hastles here and there, the main one being lines. Every other piece of animation i've done in flash before was filled. I'm a huge fan of colours and i often enjoy using my own unique pallette. Pale purples, mint greens all are exceptionally nice to work with. I didn't MIND that i couldn't use colour in this animation because that was the style i was going for. I was going for the "doodle in a book" look and i think it worked.

Anyway back on point without the colour fill problems happened when i was attempting to animate. A prime example is the walk cycle (not the walk cycle itself, the grass underneath the Lion). In a perfect world i would have loved to make the grass brush under it's feet but due to not having that fill and the way i was using tweens to move the grass it just wasn't possible. Unless i frame-by-framed every frame of grass (which would have sent me loopy). The stills were fine (The Lion eating the Zebra, the Zebra itself) but when the animation came into it it was incredibly hard to do.

As with all cycles the walking and running cycle were hard to do (The running cycle would be quicker thus technically meant i could make a few mistakes and the speed would cover it up) but the slow walk cycle meant that i couldn't really do any "fill" frames because they'd be seen.

PRESSURE SENSITIVITY HOW I HATE YOU! (Jk Lu rly <3). Once again TIME was the main factor, if i had the time to go back and redo the whole walk and run cycle again with sensitivity turned off i would have, but i didn't have the time. The animation isn't just those 2 cycles so other things needed to be done in time for the deadline. Now i know that when it comes to frame by frame...DO NOT use sensitivity on your tablet otherwise it leads to a weird water balloon effect that i'm not a fan of. (Luckily you can still see the movement so i got away with it i guess).

Overall as with every module i've learn not to leave it to the last damn minute ALL THE TIME. I say i've learnt it in every module but i actually have now (I probably say that too). I annoy myself so much with this kind of lack of time keeping that it effects my work. That's about it.

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